Media Pitch

The following email is between Chelsea Arena, our Northeast regional marketing manager and Janelle Nanos, a Boston Globe business journalist. Spotify values journalists by showing them the up-most respect and creating lifelong relationships.

Hey Janelle,

How have you been? I saw on your Facebook that you and Matt’s fifth anniversary just passed, congratulations! Ryan and I are coming up on our tenth, can you believe it?

I wanted to let you know the big news about Spotify. Our CEO, Daniel Ek, has been awarded MIT’s prestigious “Innovator under 35” award. Although he’s won this award many times, this year’s win focuses on how Daniel brought music and mobile dating together. I’m referring to the merger between Spotify and Tinder, which allows potential dates to listen to user’s personal anthems as well as view similar music tastes. Considering you and Matt met through online dating I thought this would be right up your alley.

The award ceremony will be held Saturday, October 29 from 12p.m. to 4p.m. I’ll be flying out from Cali. the Monday prior and would love to catch up over dinner. I know you’re always asking me for stories and I couldn’t have thought of a better one for your business column. We can also discuss the possibility of you having a one-on-one interview with Daniel if you’re interested.

It’d be great to see you either way, just let me know if any nights will work for dinner and we can go from there.

